Greetings dear readers. OK....I admit it, I'm a total costume geek! I love dressing up in costumes....for Halloween, Hanukkah, Arbor Day, May Day....whatever. And believe me, my 2 kids think it is totally cool that their mom is "that wacky chick with the hat and the feather boa"....... I mean, c'mon.....what Middle Schooler wouldn't love people pointing at their mom and snickering, while they quickly head for the nearest exit! Hmmmm....on second thought..............
Anyways.....the look in the above photo is from Halloween 2 years ago. It was an easy costume........the only problem was when it came down to actually handing out the candy. Seems it's kinda hard to do with a glass of wine in one hand.....and constantly pushing feathers out of your eyes with the other. Oh well.......those kids had enough candy already anyways. What? They came back the next year......the candy was still good.
Well, I hope you are having a Happy Halloween so far today. Here in beautiful Columbus, Ohio..........the temperature is a balmy 60 degrees, but rain is imminent. Oh well, the show must go on as they say (who are they ?........ Oh, I don't know, I just know that they say it!). Yep, there are going to be some wet and sticky trick-or-treaters out and about tonight! No feathers for me!
Today I thought I would entertain you all with some celebrity Halloween photos that I've been able to dig up from the Web.
Hope you enjoy the pix...........and hey, watch out for black cats!
Here we have Miss Lindsay Lohan .....Linds, as the tabloids like to call her. I believe that this first photo is from last Halloween. What an extremely classy tribute to those heroic men who wander among us......firemen. Who knew........what with all the late-night partying and crazy stints in the ER for "exhaustion".....Miss Linds is actually very thankful for the bravery and selflessness of firefighters everywhere. (There's a joke in there somewhere about a hose......but I'm not gonna say it)
Here are some photos below of Miss Linds from this year. I'm guessing that the outfit on the left is some kind of tribute to her upcoming co-star, the workout Queen herself.....Miss Jane Fonda. I wonder if Linds is being a little snarky. You was Jane who blabbed to the media that Linds was partying a little too hard during the recent filming of their movie, "Georgia Rule." Jane plays Grandmother to Miss Linds in the flick. Apparently Jane had enough of Lindsay's lateness to the set and chaotic ways. The media loved printing Jane's warnings for Lindsay to "slow down." They ate it up. Hmmmm.....wonder if Linds is getting a little revenge with this leotard and leg warmer get-up? Well-played missy!
The photo on the right is Linds at a second Halloween outing this year. I guess the leotard was a little too she opted for the "Hugh Hefner - Slutty Silk Pajama Look" instead. Frankly, Linds.........wear whatever. I say, enjoy it while you can toots..........I hear The Disney Channel has some new stars that are just waiting to pick up where you leave off!
And next..............
Ahhhh.........the "lovely" Paris Hilton.'s Paris Hilton anyway. Gee, imagine that. She's dressed as a "Skanky Bunny." I think that's what the actual label on the package said...... "Skanky Bunny." I can't believe she picked that costume over something more subtle like......"The Pregnant Nun" or "The Naughty French Chambermaid." Oh well, there's always next year. Or maybe not. Maybe we'll all get lucky and Paris will actually go to in some far-off French chateau, and we'll never have to hear from her again. Aren't her 15 minutes up yet? Who has a clock.......anyone?
Well.........that's about all for now. I have a few more pix that I would like to post, but the server is acting tempermental again. Hopefully, it will be up and running a little bit later -- and I can add an update.
By the way..........I am aware of the recent news about my girl Reese Witherspoon and her break-up with hubby Ryan Phillipe. Very sad, but it's only a separation for now. I'm still holdin' out hope that those 2 kids can make it work. They have two little ones....and they both seem to be pretty normal and very family-oriented. Oh well.....we'll see.
Enjoy your day.............hope it's no tricks...........only treats.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Happy Halloween!
Posted by
Kelly Gingery
8:46 AM
Monday, October 30, 2006
Yikes ! "Rainy Days and Mondays....Always Get My Server Down !"
Hi there.........George up there is a recent addition. There were so many words, and not enough pretty pictures...when you first see my blog. You see....the server posted my most recent blog (about the gals in gorgeous gowns) after this entry....because I actually wrote that one about the gowns first...this morning. I know, don't try to understand it....I just blame Bill Gates and it makes me feel better. So......Mr. Clooney is greeting you for now. You can thank me later! :)
Happy Monday........I have a new post for you all....with some pretty pix......but the Blogger Server seems to be down (wow.....I'm so computer literate, I should be an IT chick ! )
Anyways.......hope it's up and running soon so I can post my cool celeb pix from the weekend!
As the "Governator" once said, "I'll Be Back!"
Cagey :)
Posted by
Kelly Gingery
11:18 AM
Gorgeous Gals in Glamorous Gowns
Happy Monday again to all.... (Sorry this post is so late in the day, "The Server is my Master" ...or something like that ). I apologize for the entire post being in orange type. I know that it is difficult to read......but the blog site was giving me mucho trouble today (hey, you get what you pay's FREE ! ) It would only print in a color -- so I decided to post it anyway. Hope it doesn't give you too much of a headache.
So I went online this AM and found these pretty pix of some gorgeous LA ladies, all dressed up this past Saturday evening for a huge Hollywood charity event. Believe it or not, Miss Whitney Houston was one of the beauties..........all cleaned up and looking glam, just a mere 2 weeks after filing for divorce from that wacky husband of hers, the always classy Bobby Brown. are some glamour-gals. I just thought I would share these....because I don't want to always just crack on the style of the celebs (Oooops......I probably shouldn't say "crack" when discussing Whitney Houston ! )
The event was the 17th Annual Carousel of Hope Ball -- a benefit for the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation. The evening's honorees were Quincy Jones and Arista big-wig Clive Davis. It was Clive who first "discovered" and launched Whitney way back when (remember how cute she great she sounded?) Apparently the two are working on a comeback album for Miss Whit. I hope it's great, I do have a soft spot for her.......even after all of the Bobby Brown wackiness. "I'm savin' all my love for you, Whit !"
Anyways, enjoy the pretty ladies in their gowns. I can't help but make a few comments.......old habits die hard!
Here we have the lovely Miss Teri Hatcher...."Desperate Housewife" extraordinaire. Teri looks anything BUT desperate (love the leopard and feathers ! ).......although I do understand that she was overheard at the party exclaiming: "A Clean House Is A Sign Of A Wasted Life." My, my......the mantra of true housewives everywhere. Or at least......MY mantra....whatever. Ahhh.....the beautiful Brooke Shields, the glamorous Sharon Stone and......Mimi Rogers? My only thought as to how Miss Mimi nudged her way into this photo op goes something like this:
Mimi: "Hey....Brooke. It's me, Mimi. Mimi Rogers. You know.....former wife of Captain Crazy -- aka Tom Cruise. No......Nicole is his second former wife.....I'm his first former wife. No....Katie is his future wife. You know, I starred in "Someone To Watch Over Me" .....remember? Anyway....I coulda told ya he was crazy. He's off the hook, man! You wouldn't believe the couches he ruined in our first house! We had Sofa Express on speed dial! It was real nice of you to forgive him like that. I'm still workin' on it. Oh's Sharon Stone. I bet if we get her to stand with us.....the Paps will start takin' pictures like crazy! She always dresses wacky or does somethin' kooky. I'd love to get my face out there and back in the papers. I need a job! Watch this..... " "Hey....Sharon, come on over here and say 'hi' to Brooke and look great!"
Sharon: "Oh hi are you? I hafta say, I just love the way you girls hold those suitcases on 'Deal or No Deal.' Is that Howie Mandel scrumptious or what? Mmmmmm.....Mr. Clean! Hmmmm.......I may have had a few too many vodka tonics, and I've been trying to dodge Burt Reynolds all night......but other than that......I'm just peachy. Oh look....where did all of those photographers come from? They follow me around like they think I'm gonna do somethin' stupid....can you believe that? Ooops.........ladies, come in real close and pose.....if we stand together real still, I think I can keep my left breast from popping out ! Say 'Cheese' ! "
Brooke: (thinking to herself) You know....I do NOT like this dress that Calvin sent over. It is way too tight....and it makes my arms look big. I look like a man in drag. Me...."Pretty Baby." Man, do I need my medication right now!
Here's Miss Minnie Driver now you know that she's one of my faves. Minnie's looking purty all glammed up in green. But I'm curious if this is a continuation of her love of all things 80's. In fact, I am almost positive that my good friend Jennifer Diederich wore a dress almost exactly like this one (in red) to our high school Christmas Cotillion Dance in 1981. Jen (aka JJ) rocked the dress........and I bet you still have it, don't you JJ? If you have a picture of you in it, please email it to me and I'll post it on the blog. As I remember, you looked great!
Anyway, back to Minnie. I like the shoes, the dress, the color and the fabric. I'm just not sure about the hem. Is it coming out? Did the dressmaker not finish it in time for the ball? it a stylish touch? Who knows. I can tell from the picture, Minnie was just happy to be invited. You go girl!Beautiful Katharine McPhee of American Idol fame (1st Runner Up, doncha know.....) and the lovely Halle Berry. Katharine was the evening's entertainment at the Ball. I read that she sang Whitney's hit "I've Got Nothing" ,in honor of Whit's attendance at the event. You know what. They both look glamorous and gorgeous.....Miss Halle especially. For once....I've got nothing......but praise. Good show ladies!
Finally, I did want you all to see some pix of how Miss Whit cleaned up, and glammed up, for the Ball. She's definitely lookin' blonde and happy....and yukkin' it up with old Clive.
Let's hope her craziness and hard times are all behind her now. Listen Whit.....if that bad boy Bobby tries to weasel his way back into your good graces, you just tell him to "talk to the hand." I mean, c' wasn't all that long ago (January of 2006 I believe......) that you were snapped by a photographer at an Atlanta gas station at 4 am. What was it you were doing....? Lookin' oh so lovely.....making a candy bar run in your $50,000 fur......scaring everyone in sight. Yikes girl..........who knew when you were singin' about "The Greatest Love Of All" were just talkin' about a Twix Bar! Stay strong girl...............
Until tomorrow..............
Posted by
Kelly Gingery
9:57 AM
Thursday, October 26, 2006
How About A "Minnie Movie Marathon" This Weekend?
Well, well.....lookee here. I just saw these recent pix of the British actress Minnie Driver online. Although she looks a little bit loopy on the red carpet....and is definitely workin' some kind of "Flashdance" -- 80's kinda vibe (What's with the fedora hat and fringe, by the way?) got me remembering that Minnie is in 3 movies that I really like.
Even though when I first saw these photos I thought....."Oh no, another wacky actress in desperate need of a job and/or fashion stylist".....I'm willing to cut Minnie some slack, because I've always kinda liked her. I started wondering what she had been up to lately. I did a little research, and found out that she has "recently lost 15 pounds" in order to play a role that I'm sure most actresses would kill for.....a drug-addicted, Irish gypsy con-artist (wow - that's a mouthful! ). Apparently Minnie will be in an upcoming TV series for the F/X network. Doesn't sound like a real ratings-grabber there, Minnie......but never know. Just look at "Skating With The Stars." Hmmmm....better yet.....don't look at that.
Anyways, like I said, I've always kinda liked Minnie........even if she does dress a little "different" sometimes. It is Hollywood, after all. One of the main reasons that I still like her is because of "The Oprah Dump." I have a soft spot for Minnie ever since Mr. Nice Guy, Matt Damon, dumped her on national TV...... on "The Oprah Winfrey Show" no less.Haven't heard this one? The story goes that Matt and Minnie got together during the filming of "Good Will Hunting." They were both relative newcomers to the Hollywood scene. After filming is done, they are an item....going along, happily dating....everything's hunky dory.
Then the movie hits big-time.....Matt and Ben are suddenly Golden Boys......and I think 'ol Matt was feelin' like poor Minnie was weighin' him down during his big moment in the sun with his good buddy Ben. Minnie doesn't know this of course (Wait....a man NOT being very communicative while dating? -- Nah ! ) she thinks everything is great.
( Hmmmm......Buddy Ben looks a little jealous to me, don'tcha think? )
Then Matt and Ben.....or Ben and Matt, whichever you prefer.....go on Oprah.I think Robin Williams was with them you know that was a circus. Anyhow....Matt's talkin' and Minnie's watchin'. Oprah starts to probe into the boys' personal lives.
Oprah asks Matt about Minnie....rumors that they are dating, etc. What does Golden Boy say? "No, Minnie and I aren't dating anymore......we broke up." That's all fine and dandy Matt.....except you're supposed to tell Minnie first. Before Oprah.....and her studio audience of screaming women......and her national television audience of millions of women. OUCH ! Let's just say, Minnie didn't just get dumped.......she got dumped on daytime TV. Just like those classy dames over on "The Jerry Springer Show."
What made matters worse, is that the movie soon received all sorts of Oscar nominations, and the whole crowd was invited to the awards. By this time, all of Hollywood was gossiping about "The Oprah Dump", and snickering about poor Minnie. She managed to suck it up, dress up pretty and go to the awards.....but then guess what.....she had to sit in the audience -- behind Matt and Ben......and their mothers. Their mothers. That's who the boys took to the awards......and they all had better seats than Miss Minnie.
And then, wouldn't ya just know it.....the boys went and won the Oscar. Bummer.( Hmmmm.....what exactly is it that you're doing with your Oscar, Ben? )
Well, that's why I have a soft spot for Minnie Driver. She's not a bad little actress either....Miss Minnie. So I thought I'd tell you about the 3 Minnie Movies that I really like....ones that I will always sit and watch again, if I'm channel-surfing and happen to catch them on.
#1- "Circle of Friends" - Minnie gained weight(long before Renee Zellweger did it for "Bridget Jones' Diary") to play a pudgy and shy college girl in 1950's Ireland. She crushes on the handsome popular guy...cute Chris O'Donnell. It's a very small film from 1995, but very sweet and romantic.....with a good plot about friendship....and love. I definitely recommend it.
#2- "Grosse Pointe Blank" - A very black comedy starring one of my all-time favorite actors (who doesn't work enough), John Cusack. From 1997....He's Martin Blank...a hitman who goes back to his hometown (and high school reunion) to "do a hit." Minnie is the very smart and funny ex-girlfriend who he stood up on Prom Night. They spar back and forth, get romantic, get chased and shot at, etc. It is funny....not everyone's cup of tea....but worth checking out. It has a great supporting cast as well.
#3- "Return To Me" - I admit it......I'm a sucker for Romantic Comedies.....I just am. This one is from 2000. It's sweet and has a definite feminine point of's written and directed by the very funny actress, Bonnie Hunt. I admit that David Duchovny is not one of my favorite actors(I think he is a little bland)....but he is good in this part. He plays a guy whose wife dies in an accident, and then he unknowingly falls for the woman who received her heart in a donor transplant operation. Sounds contrived....I know. But for me, it somehow works. I'm just a hopeless romantic. What I probably like the most about this movie is Bonnie Hunt. In addition to her writing and directing duties, she plays Minnie's funny best friend. Bonnie is married to Jim Belushi and has a bunch of rowdy kids. Jim's role is funny as well -- he and Bonnie have some great scenes, with classic back and forth about marriage, kids, etc. Belushi's role here is small, and alot like his role on the current TV show "According to Jim". I don't know, it just makes me laugh. Carroll O'Connor(that's Archie Bunker to you.....)is also very sweet as Minnie's grandfather who raised her, and is overprotective of her because of the heart transplant. those are the 3 movies that came to mind when I saw Miss Minnie .....rockin' her wacky 80's outfits on some recent red carpets. Now.....I don't necessarily recommend that you follow her fashion choices, but if you're gonna be stuck inside on a cold winter day, why not check out one of those flicks. I don't think you'll be too disappointed. Hey.....why not get Matt in "The Bourne Identity" while you're at it, and make it a double-feature. It'll be Matt and Minnie....together again. Like I said, that's me....... the hopeless romantic.
( Check out the look on Matt's face.....even then, the writing was on the wall. Poor Minnie....she didn't stand a chance! )
Posted by
Kelly Gingery
9:26 AM
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
This One's For The Girls.........
Happy Wednesday everyone! Sorry no post to the blog yesterday........I meant to do it, then time just got away from me!
I'm crunched for time again now.....but I thought I would just post some very handsome pictures of none other than "Grey's Anatomy's" Dr. McSteamy himself....Eric Dane.
Fellas, bear with me. I know that there are a few of you men that read this blog(well...I send it to you after all, I'm just assuming that you read it....). And I know that you probably don't care about "Grey's Anatomy" (or so I've heard.....), and you could probably care even less about Eric Dane. However, my women readers far outnumber you.....and I'm thinking that they will appreciate these please forgive me today.........but......This One's For The Girls.
Eric is all over the internet lately......mark my words.....he's the next big thing, and definitely gonna give Patrick Dempsey(aka McDreamy)a run for his money in the celebrity popularity race!
He's been going to a lot of celebrity fundraiser-type things lately(with his beautiful and lucky wife, Rebecca Gayheart!) so there are a lot of pictures floating around out there of him. It doesn't hurt that he seems to be very charming and pretty easy on the eyes as well!
It will be interesting to see what kind of movie he decides to make during the hiatus from "Grey's." Believe me, I'm sure he is already being sent all sorts of scripts......Hollywood knows a hot thing when they see it....and the studios will be all over him. I bet he does an action thing....where he is a cop or fireman.....or he may do a B-level romantic comedy. I could definitely see him with my girl Reese Witherspoon (after all, Patrick was already with her in "Sweet Home Alabama").
Anyway.....why not let me know what you think? What kind of movie should Eric do.....and who should be his leading lady(besides one of us, of course!) I look forward to hearing from you. Enjoy the photos...........and have a great day!
Posted by
Kelly Gingery
9:08 AM
Monday, October 23, 2006
Jack, Leo, Matt and Marky = More Motrin For Me Please! I went to see "The Departed" last weekend. Not this past weekend, but the one before that. I have to tell you all that it has taken me that long to recover from this movie, process it and be able to coherently write about it. Please don't get me wrong.....or mistake the title of this post. I loved this movie.....I really did. It just shook me up a little bit -- actually a lot. I have been looking forward to seeing "The Departed" since I first read about it during filming, and then saw the trailer online a few months ago. With the cast, the director and the subject matter.....I knew I would like it. But's a little stressful......a lot stressful.....sitting there in the theatre, watching all of those great actors act their hearts out.........and you're waiting to see who's gonna get whacked next!
This isn't gonna be a long, drawn out review.......all about the merits of great filmmaking, but I just wanna talk about this movie a little bit. This movie is not for everyone. In fact, it's not for a lot of you that I know read this blog. I've already told one of my best friends...."Do not see this movie, it is definitely NOT for you!" She and her husband had been invited to go with us and another couple to see it....but they had other plans that night and couldn't go. All I kept thinking as I watched this movie was....."I'm so glad Liz didn't come see this movie!"
Like I said......I loved this movie.....BUT. I like a lot of movies........there is usually something I like......because I love movies. But here's the deal: this movie is violent......very, very violent. These are gangsters....mobsters......bad guys. They do very bad things, like shoot people in the head.....a lot. It does help when you are watching bad people do bad things.....if the people doing the bad things are Jack Nicholson, Leonardo DiCaprio, Matt Damon, Marky Mark(love that name!), Martin Sheen and the hilarious Alec Baldwin. Honestly....there's not a bad performance in the bunch. Seeing all of those guys up there on the big screen together.....that was worth the price of admission for me. BUT.........
They use "the F-word" ...... a lot. every sentence. Like......they use it so much, that you kinda get used to it.....and you don't even notice it anymore. But believe me people, if you are bothered by "the F-word" (I'm not, we use if around my house all the time.....right!) but if you are bothered by it......this ain't your kinda movie. "The Departed" is violent. I'm sure you knew that already. And....they use "the F-word" a probably figured that gangsters weren't running around saying "Gee Whiz." What I've been leading up to is this. I was prepared for the great cast and the great acting. I was prepared for the realistic and graphic violence. I was even prepared for the very colorful language that would make even Eminem blush. What I wasn't prepared for was the stress headache I had when it was all said and done. That is why I shoulda taken the Motrin with me.
I can only describe it to you this way......I was basically hunched down in my seat for the entire 2 hours. My shoulders hurt from hunching so much. Part of the time, my hands hovered near my case I needed to cover them at a moments notice. I know that I screamed out loud at least twice.....once near the loud, I thought the guy in front of me was gonna have a heart attack. I can't help it.....I knew something was coming.....something was gonna happen (especially when Jack would get that look in his know that look) and I just wanted to be prepared. Like I've said....and I'll keep saying......I loved this movie. But OY .......the headache!
It's the same stress and headache I felt when I watched "Jaws" in the theatre for the first time.....way back in 1975 when I was 11 years old. Remember that ( I know you do.....) , watching and waiting for that shark to show knew he was down there.....just taking his time, ready to strike. How about when Richard Dreyfus went scuba-diving at night, checking out that shipwreck.....the music starts....."Da dah, Da dah, Da dah...." and then that guy's head popped out. I screamed like a little girl. Oh wait.....I was a little girl. Anyways, that's beyond the point. I had a headache then......and I have a headache now.
I'm about done, but I do want to say a few final words. "The Departed" is a great movie.....just not for everyone. If you are squeamish and easily offended by bad language.....skip it and go see Robin Williams in "Man of the Year" (I think it needs the business). But if you wanna go see a good movie with great acting and some really great twists...........check it out. I'm not the first one to say this, but I definitely agree...........there will be lots of Oscar nominations in a few months for this baby. I'm guessin' Jack for Supporting Actor and at least Matt for Best Actor (he has a little bit more of a showier role than, he gets to play against type). Martin Scorcese will most likely be nominated for Best Director. Hollywood likes him, and they feel badly that he hasn't won one yet. Who knows, Marky Mark (again, I love that name!) and Alec Baldwin might even snag nominations as well. They are both awesome in their supporting roles, and both bring much-needed humor to the film.
OK..............I'm done with "The Departed" for now. But seriously.........if you do decide to check it out............please do me a favor, take some Motrin with you.
Posted by
Kelly Gingery
7:08 AM
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Ga-Ga About "Grey's"
Well it's finally Thursday....and around here that means "Grey's Anatomy" Night. Why do I (and a lot of other people I know) love "Grey's Anatomy" so much? I know dear readers that not all of you are completely enthralled with the doctors at Seattle Grace. I'm sure that some of you would love to step up and say, "Hey guys....Get a life!" Well....guess what. For lots and lots of us(and that's a lot....)we do have a life, but that life comes to a screeching halt from 9:00 to 10:00 pm on Thursday evenings. We turn on ABC and tune out everything else. We are definitely..... ga-ga about "Grey's." And the ratings, well they definitely say that there are a lot of us out there. In fact, I belong to a "Card Club" of women that I went to high school with over 20 years ago. There are about a dozen of us who meet once a month. We used to meet at each others homes and play Euchre.... and eat and talk. Then we decided to skip the cards, and just eat and talk. Then we started going out to dinner, to just eat and talk. Well this month, actually tonight.....we are starting something new. We are meeting again at someone's home (thanks Marla!) to eat and talk......and at 9:00 watch "Grey's Anatomy" -- together. Most, but not all of us are crazy about the show. It just seemed like a perfect fit. I'm so looking forward to it.....not just getting together....and not just watching the show. But sharing it....with my girlfriends. So....what is it about this show, more than any other show right now? Is it the men? I mean, you have to admit.....they are very easy on the eyes.....and so many handsome doctors to choose from. But no......I don't think it's just the handsome men. They are also funny, sensitive and sweet. But definitely not perfect. They are realistic. How great a friend is George for Izzie right now? So warm and caring.....and not too pushy. Just there when she needs a shoulder. No male/female strings attached. Who wouldn't love a male friend like that? Well then,
is it the women? I do love the women on the show -- I think that each character is special, yet realistically flawed in her own way. They do -- and say -- crazy, comical, frustrating and fantastic things. I mean.....I still am having a hard time getting Dr. Bailey's VA-JAY-JAY out of my head! And boy, oh, boy....does Christina make me mad sometimes! I think it's fair to say we all, I'd say we love, both the men and the women of Grey's Anatomy. But ultimately.....I think it comes down to the writing. It's the stories of this group of people and this particular time in their lives that we love so much. That's what got us invested and fascinated in the lives of Meredith, George, Izzie, Christina, Alex, Dr. Bailey, Dr. Burke, Dr. Addison and Dr. McDreamy(Ooops....let's not forget Dr. McSteamy.....he's definitely one of my new favorites!). Let's face it.....if it was just a bunch of good-looking people walking around a hospital without a good story, we'd all turn it off after about 10 minutes. Boring! But these people are fun and infuriating. Sometimes they are very recognizable.....other times, I can't quite figure them out (will someone please explain to me why Addison keeps saying "go away" to McSteamy.....I
mean seriously...........that girl needs her head examined. Maybe by Derek!)Anyways, I may not be a doctor(or a surgical intern)but I've definitely had a few "aha" moments with this show. I've seen and heard myself....and other people that I know(you'll have to figure out who you are on your own). It's an hour of great storytelling each week. It's the writing, writing, writing. what's my point? Well, I don't really have a point.....I just like talking about "Grey's Anatomy." No, I'm kidding. All of this talk about the writing is really praise for Shonda Rhimes -- the creator and head writer of this show. The heart and soul of Grey's Anatomy. Shonda has the lives and loves of these people very well thought out. She has said more than once that she definitely has an opinion on who Meredith should, and probably will, end up with. Shonda truly loves these characters....flaws and all.....which is exactly why we love them too. Remember....these "people" were in her head, long before they ever hit your TV screen. If you read her blog, you'll see that Shonda Rhimes is just like the characters she writes....funny, flawed, fearless and fascinating. And very real. She talks about how when Patrick Dempsey first came in to read for the part of Dr. Shepherd, aka Dr. McDreamy, she found him so handsome and likable, all she could do was stare at him and think of all of the
storylines she could write for him. He on the other hand, was auditioning for her and a room full of producers and writers.....and she's just staring at him, with a blank look on her face. Patrick said he told his wife and agent afterward...."No way I'm getting that part....Shonda just stared at me." Guess what we all are. Well, that's about all for now. I'm gonna end this valentine to "Grey's Anatomy" with some info for you. If you are like me, and you love this's characters and it's writing.......I strongly recommend you check out the website or Grey Matter. It is an ongoing blog about the show from Shonda and the writers. Each week, the writer of that particular episode writes an entry about their show, how they came up with the idea(sometimes they use very personal stories), the casting, dirt on some of the guest stars and just basically what was going on in their head. It's good inside scoop. It definitely makes you see the show from an entirely different perspective. Check it out. Also, I'd love to hear some of your comments about "Grey's" can click on the comment link at the end of this post and write anything....then we all can read what you think. Please...I love feedback! Oh yeah.....I almost forgot. I was wondering who we should talk to about getting Meredith to eat a sandwich. I mean seriously......I've seen skinny, but this is getting ridiculous! Later.
Posted by
Kelly Gingery
9:08 PM
What In The World Are They Wearing? -- Part Deux
So many many interesting fashion little time. I have but a few more special photos dear readers, that I must share with you on Wacky Wednesday. Unfortunately, I had to rush off to work this morning before I had the chance to post them all. But fear not, I have returned.......let the style interventions begin. Reason #1 why NOT to wear horizontal looks stupid! C'mon.......seriously..........all of these gals are attractive enough, but looking at them hurts your eyes. Everyone knows(at least I think that most women know...)that wearing horizontal stripes around any part of your body....makes that body part look larger. Why in the world would you want to do that? OK....I can see.....maybe a stripe around your chest area....maybe....but your whole ever-lovin' body? Forget about it! (In Sofia Coppola's defense....she is pregnant. But that dress is still very unflattering on you....where is your designer buddy Marc Jacobs with some cool maternity wear? Look into it.) On to the next intervention....... Miss Kathleen Turner. It's nice to see you out and about, Kathleen. This photo was taken a few weeks ago at the New York Film Festival. Remember the good old days when Kathleen was the up-and-coming hot, young sex symbol? I mean, "Body Heat" is an awesome movie....very hot......she and William Hurt steam up the screen. Kathleen definitely made a name for herself with that one. More recently, a few weeks ago I watched Kath in a guest spot on the F/X series "Nip/Tuck." Miss Turner portrayed a seasoned phone-sex operator who desired vocal cord surgery to restore her money-making voice to it's lustrous purr of yesteryear. She was very good....she's still got it. However, what I'm afraid she doesn't still an iron. Miss Turner.....Kathleen......Kat. Do you mean to tell us that you went out to the New York Film Festival, knowing that you would walk the red carpet.....and you pulled that out of your closet? I don't know what bothers me more......the slippers......the too-short pants.......the completely wrinkled silk schmata...... or the way you are standing there saying......."Hey Paparazzi, look at me! I'm back, and I'm in fighting shape goshdarnit! C'mon, just try and hit me. Just once. Right here in the stomach. C'mon, I can take it. Give it your best shot.....I dare ya! Don't be afraid....Danny DeVito just sucker-punched me, not 5 minutes ago. People have been doing it all night. How do you think I got so wrinkled?" I believe Miss Turner is in training for "Million Dollar Baby 2." Good luck with that, Kat. Finally, I have a photo to share with you all that just makes me smile. I'm smiling because photos like this one basically write their own caption. Dear readers......I saw this photo recently..... and one, and only one sentence came to mind:
Chaka Chaka Chaka Chaka Chaka, Chaka Khan, Chaka Khan................. I FEEL FOR YOU!
Posted by
Kelly Gingery
5:26 PM
What In The World Are They Wearing?......Or, Welcome to Wild and Wacky Wednesday!
So I thought I'd just throw out a few interesting celebrity shots for you all to enjoy.......... Item #1 .......Here we have Desperate Housewife Eva Longoria, who I guess from the looks of this recent photo, is now shopping in the little girl's department at Saks. It seems Eva went out this week wearing the same Juicy Couture velour dress that little one-year-old Lola Sheen wore this week as well. You know Lola.....she's the adorable tow-headed daughter of the recently divorced Charlie Sheen and Denise Richards. Hmmmm......I knew Eva was small, but this is ridiculous! Item #2 .........
What in the world does J Lo ....I mean Jenny From The Block....I mean Rhoda Morgenstern.....have on her head? Seriously! Jennifer Lopez(is that what she goes by nowadays? I can't keep up.....I know she's married to that scary-looking Salsa singer......but what do we call her now?)wore this head wrap to a fancy function recently. Why? Her make-up looks great.......looks like her dress is nice.....and actually covers her up for a change! Do ya think she got all dressed up, did the makeup......and then just said, "Screw it......I don't feel like messin' with my hair tonight! Somebody get me a headwrap to go with this gown." Bravo Jenny....just like you to always throw us a fashion curveball. Somewhere right now, Valerie Harper is going through her closet, trying on some of her best vintage "Rhoda" headwraps. You go girl!
Item #3......... Janet Jackson. Excuse me........ "Miss Jackson." Because if I remember's "Miss Jackson" if you're nasty. And Janet.......unless you're attending one of those Star Trek conventions in Las Vegas........this's just plain 'ol NASTY! Congrats on losing the weight though.....good show! Well.........I think that is enough fun for a Wednesday morning. I'm gonna go surf the Net some more. I'm really hoping for a Bjork and Elton John duet to happen someday that's a photo op I'm looking forward to sharing...... "Saturday Night's Alright..... for Swans.... and Swishy Sequins" ! Later.
Posted by
Kelly Gingery
6:52 AM
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
2 Cute for Tuesday !
I just have time for a quick post this morning before I head off to work. Just saw some really nice pix online from the premiere of "Flags of our Fathers" last night.....I'm trying to share them with you, but it ain't workin'(I'll try to fix it later). For now, enjoy a cute pic of Reese Witherspoon and cute Jennifer Garner at a Children's Defense Fund fundraiser the other night. now, you must know that I am a big fan of Reese Witherspoon. I really think she has her head on straight, she's a great actress, seems like a "normal" wife and mother, etc., etc. By the way.....if you have never seen it......I highly recommend renting "The Man in the Moon." And if you have a sister, or a daughter, or it with them. This is one of Reese's first movies. It was made in 1991, Reese was only 15 years old and already such a good actress. It's a small film.....didn't do much business, but it is truly wonderful. Such a great story -- covering family life in a small country town.......sisterly rivalry(and love).....first and death and everything in between. Sam Waterston(from "Law and Order")plays her stoic, loving father.....and young cutie Jason London plays the older boy who first touches her young tomboy heart. Please rent it.....and have the tissues nearby. Seriously! to finish my post. I just wanna say that everything that I've heard or read about "Flags..." is good. It opens this Friday and I definitely plan on seeing it. I'll let you know what I think next week........(and I'll try to post some movie premiere pictures later). Have a great day!
Posted by
Kelly Gingery
8:58 AM