Friday, March 09, 2007

"Mamma Mia......Here I Go Again!"

So I just read online that plans are underway for the hit musical Mamma Mia to get the big-screen treatment.

I'm excited about this......even though I've never even seen the show.


Because the songs are awesome.........(I mean ABBA -- c'mon, those tunes are crazy-catchy! )

............and check out who they've signed to star in this extravaganza --

Yep....... Miss "Devil Wears Prada" Herself.........the mighty Meryl Streep........and..........

the very devilishly handsome and talented former "Bond.....James Bond" ............Pierce Brosnan.

Although I haven't seen the stage show, I do know the plot....and I think that these are 2 very interesting casting choices........therefore, I'm looking forward to this on the silver screen.

You may already know from reading this blog -- I love musicals. Broadway musicals, movie musicals.......... I'm a sucker for a good song and dance and a happily ever after. So sue me.

Unfortunately, Broadway muscials transferred to the big screen don't always work.

Just look at Dreamgirls. I was so looking forward to this flick.......but I thought that it fell a little flat. Don't get me wrong.......I liked the flick, and I loved Jennifer Hudson .......but in my eyes, it was just lacking something. I dunno......that extra Oooomph.

I am looking forward to the big-screen adaption of Hairspray, out this summer. I've already posted about this one before.

I loved the musical, and I can't wait to see my favorite guy from Grease (one of my all-time favorite movie musicals, OK, I have lots) -- Danny Zuko -- in drag, as big mama Edna Turnblad.

It may turn out badly, but I'm sure it won't be boring!

The songs and characters are really great, I hope I'm not disappointed.

We'll see.

I also want to mention the interesting trend that started a few years ago, where movies are being turned into musicals.

Some successful, some not.

Most of these you are probably familiar with, and may have even seen:

The Lion King, Beauty and The Beast, Tarzan, The Producers, The Wedding Singer, High Fidelity, Mary Poppins...........

and now.................. Legally Blonde.

I do think this is a film that could transfer well to musical theater.

Can't ya just see some cute pixie blonde as Elle Woods.....singin' her little sorority heart out to her tiny dog Bruiser, and pining for the boy that got away (by going to Harvard) ?

Broadway actress Laura Bell Bundy is originating the role of Elle in the show -- she was in the original cast of Hairspray and also in Wicked.

This show is set to open in early April on Broadway, and got good reviews in San Fran where they did previews. I've read a lot about it and it looks like it could be cute and fun.

Once again, we'll see.

Who knows -- I may just have told you about the next big thing to hit Broadway! (or in Bruiser's case.....the next little thing!)

Well...........that's all of my scoop for now.

I'm gonna go listen to some rockin' 80's tunes before I leave for work..........we're hittin' a local hot spot later to listen to an 80's cover band called The Reaganomics.

I've been tryin' to catch their act since this summer........and we're finally gonna see 'em tonight.

You all remember the 80's, and those early days of MTV........ya know.......when they actually showed something called music videos?

Well, The Reaganomics set list includes all the oldies but goodies:

My Sharona, 867-5309(Jenny, Jenny), Hungry Like The Wolf, Freeze Frame, Addicted To Love, Careless Whisper, Come On Eileen, What I Like About You, Whip It, Tainted Love, Rock This Town, Super Freak, Love Shack, I Melt With You................

I could go on and on.

Hope some of those song titles brought back a few good memories for ya. You know I'll be singin' (and dancin') along..........

Have a great weekend everybody............. don't forget to: "Wake Me Up (Before You Go-Go)" !

Cagey :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


As Randy (Dawg) says on AI: It needs to have a "WOW" factor. D-girls just didn't have that. I know you weren't feeling it b/c you were asleep in the seat next to me. FYI: Laura Bell Bundy got her start on "Guiding Light" as Maura, Reva and Josh Lewis's daughter. They all get their feet wet in daytime.

Media Child